首页 > 演唱会 > 「逃跑计划/夏日入侵企画/Supper Moment」『 OH! MY ROCK 』澳門城市音樂節
「逃跑计划/夏日入侵企画/Supper Moment」『 OH! MY ROCK 』澳門城市音樂節

「逃跑计划/夏日入侵企画/Supper Moment」『 OH! MY ROCK 』澳門城市音樂節



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1.演出票品为特殊商品,除不可抗力因素导致演出取消外,订单不支持退换,可在平台转售; 2.演出详情仅供参考,具体以主办方公布信息及现场为准,请准时到场以免错过演出; 3.有票官方确保售出票品真实有效,请放心购买; 4.根据演出火爆情况,有票平台可能会将您所选的快递送票、上门自取等取票方式调整为现场取票,敬请谅解; 5.平台会尽力促使卖家履行交易协议,如果卖家付票过程中发生问题,本平台可协调相同或更高票挡的票品代替,否则平台将全额退款并按订单上约定的赔付方式与金额向用户进行赔付; 6.为了安全起见需要本人签收,演出快递票均为快递费到付(不包邮),请知晓!


『 OH! MY ROCK 』中国澳门城市音乐节

OH! MY ROCK Macau Music Festival

活动介绍 Activity Description

OH! MY ROCK Macau Music Festival 中国澳门城市音乐节首次于中国澳门举办,是一个大型室内音乐祭典;活动特邀知名潮流及独立乐队,以最火热的气氛带动心中压抑着的团火,一线大卡乐队为舞台带来无限动力、带动气氛!不同地区的乐队,为演出带来更多的风格及文化元素,“本地姜” 更会参与其中!!音乐祭场内设有『 NEWS嘉年华 』市集;特色市集包括零售、游戏活动及餐饮!
OH! MY ROCK Macau Music Festival Macau Music Festival is held in Macau for the first time. It is a large-scale indoor music festival. The event specially invites well-known trendy and independent bands to drive the repressed fire in the heart with the hottest atmosphere. The first-line big card bands are on the stage Bring unlimited power and drive the atmosphere! Bands from different regions will bring more styles and cultural elements to the show, and "Local Ginger" will even participate in it! ! There is a "NEWS Carnival" market in the music festival; the featured market includes retail, game activities and catering!

演出日期及时间 Performance date and time
2023年6月10日12:00-23:00 ; 2023年6月11日12:00-23:00
June 10, 2023, 12:00-23:00; June 11, 2023, 12:00-23:00

地点 location
金光会展展馆C ,中国澳门威尼斯人
Cotai Expo Hall C ,The Venetian Macao

演出乐队 Performing band
2023/6/10 12:00-23:00

海宥、Offline、Gimme5、鸦Corvus、弥漫池 Fill the Air 、青原FIDA、鹿洐人、四喜丸子、ASH DA HERO、Escape Plan逃跑计划

2023/6/11/ 12:00-23:00

2CM、单行道、英美超市、WONDER∞WANDER 、野岸刊、As Alliance、I Mean Us、Supper Moment、SCAMPER、夏日入侵企画、I Don't Like Mondays.

# 每队演出约45分钟,演出时段分类为:6/10 13:00~17:30 以及 6/11 18:00~23:00 。
# Each team's performance is about 45 minutes, and the performance time is divided into: 6/10 13:00~17:30 and 6/11 18:00~23:00.

创意市集 Creative Market
Cultural and creative booths, catering booths, game booths, special booths

# 请携带门票及有效证件到场兑换一次性可进出用之手带。
# Please bring your tickets and valid documents to the scene to exchange for a one-time entry-exit wristband.

# 活动不设年龄限制,13岁或以下人士建议由家长陪同参与。
# There is no age limit for the activity, and it is recommended that those under the age of 13 be accompanied by their parents.

注意 Notice
Security checks are required to enter the venue. Offensive weapons, such as knives, sticks, glass bottles, lighters, explosives, laser pointers, spray items, water bottles, cups and firearms are not allowed to enter; professional photography equipment is not allowed to enter . (Note: The minimum limit for professional photography equipment is set but does not include SLR cameras.)

# 参与人士必须注意现音量,现场不设坐位及划位。
# Participants must pay attention to the sound volume, and there will be no seats or allocated seats.

主办单位 Organizer:创通系统营销有限公司(马蜂窝中国澳门区总代理)
合办单位 Co-Organizer:中国澳门青年传媒协会
协办单位 Co-Organizers:马蜂窝、澳汇展览有限公司
门票规划 Ticket Planning:中国澳门广星传讯有限公司

活动突发处理及备案 Event emergency handling and filing
The conference has purchased third-party insurance for participants.

Three days before the start of the event, if it is confirmed that there will be force majeure factors, or there will be serious casualties, strong winds and rainstorm warnings above No. 3, a notice will be issued to change the schedule of the event; if the above-mentioned impact occurs during the event, the event will Cancel immediately.

# 门票购买后不设退换(除大会取消活动)。
# Tickets are not refundable after purchase (except for events canceled by the conference).


确保真票,  购票无忧
担保交易,  放心付款
安心购票,  无票赔付