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终端 >_How Do We Begin?

终端 >_How Do We Begin?


场馆:X 美术馆

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X美术馆荣幸宣布,将于2020年5月30日正式开馆,并呈现开幕展 —— “终端 >_How Do We Begin?” ,以此启动X美术馆三年展项目。此次展览由X美术馆首席策展人吴冬雪策展,展览的作品将涵盖绘画、影像、装置、以及表演。

We are honored to announce that X Museum will officially open to the public on March 17, 2020, presenting the opening exhibition “How Do We Begin?”,curated by Poppy Dongxue Wu— the first edition of X Museum Triennial. The show includes paintings, films, installations, and performances.


敖乾枥,陈维,陈丽同,陈轴,程然,崔洁,范加(中国香港,加拿大),关小,郭城,胡昀,蒋竹韵,啾小组,李爽,李维伊,罗苇,苗颖,麦影彤二(中国香港),潘望舒, 强家栋,覃小诗,沙爽,王海洋,王晓曲,王宇琛,王子耕,谢燚,刘昕,杨伯都,叶凌瀚,尤阿达,张徐展(中国台湾),周岩,郑翊良(中国台湾)

The participating artists are:

Chando AO, CHEN Wei, Lee Lee CHAN, CHEN Zhou, CHENG Ran, CUI Jie, Jes FAN, GUAN Xiao, GUO Cheng, HU Yun, JIANG Zhuyun, Jiū Society, LI Shuang, LI Weiyi, LUO Wei, MIAO Ying, Mak Ying Tung 2, PAN Wangshu, Pete Jiadong Qiang, Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian Qin, SHA Shuang, WANG Haiyang, WANG Xiaoqu, Meltingwang, WANG Zigeng, XIE Yi, LIU Xin, YANG Bodu, YE Linghan, YOU Ada, Mores Zhan, ZHOU Yan, I-Liang Cheng


Precisely 100 years ago, the world’s first commercial radio station KDKA launched its inaugural broadcasting of the American presidential election in the early winter of 1920. The huge hit of live media combined with the political event marked the beginning of a new era of mass media. Live media and live-ness have thereafter dramatically improved the efficiency of information sharing and further accelerated the process of globalization.

“终端 >_How Do We Begin?”从我们栖于的当代生活出发,庆祝数字时代所蕴育出的知识与信息的开放性和便利性,以及新媒体和技术所带来的全新感官体验和惊喜时刻;与此同时,正视毒性信息的侵入对我们的现实关系和社会结构所造成的干预和扰乱。

“How Do We Begin?” embraces the age that we inhabit, celebrates the accessibility of knowledge and information embodied by the digital age, experiences, and excitements brought by new media and cutting-edge technologies. At the same time, it acknowledges the invasion of toxic information that shaping physical relationships and interrupting social structures.

当今时代前沿的技术和设备如同人体感觉器官的延伸,在放大我们感知能力和情感的同时,也将我们在这个非物质的世界中逐渐同步化,消除了地理上的界限。实时媒体的即时性与亚里士多德对友谊和“共感(con-senting ‘synaisthanomenoi, 共同感知’)”的阐述相呼应,他说:“一个人同时需要‘共感’其朋友的存在,即共同生活、分享类似的想法和行为会促发此种‘共感’的产生。”“共感”认可处于相同变化状态的重要性,进而指向集体记忆的建设和思维的趋同。

Newest technologies and gadgets are extensions of human sensory organs, they enlarge our perceptions and emotions, at the same time synchronize us in the global world of immateriality, geographic boundaries are eliminated. Such qualities of live-ness echoed Aristotle’s elaboration on friendship and ‘con-senting’ [synaisthanomenoi, sensing together], in which he said, “One must therefore also ‘con-sent’ that his friend exists, and this happens by living together and by sharing acts and thoughts in common [koinōnein].”

区别于数字时代之前的单向信息输出,当今的社交媒体平台提供了更多的实时交流和沉浸式交互体验,我们的共同感知和共时存在性也被放大。从XR(扩展现实)、 AI(人工智能)到最近开始广泛应用的5G技术,我们栖息的场域在不断地被扩展,也不断挑战着我们感知事物、感受共存的方式。

Unlike the pre-digital age, current platforms of social media provide real-time communications and immersive experiences for interactivity than merely producing content; our concurrent perceptions have therefore been increased than ever before. The expanded field that we inhabit, from XR (extended reality), AI (artificial intelligence) to recent implemented 5G data networks technology, consistently challenge the way we perceive things, sensing and living together.

在以共享共生为明显特征的表象下,当代艺术跨越了学科的局限和知识的界限。“终端 >_How Do We Begin?”将展览空间视为合作与生产的场所,期望激发和促进学术思想之间的信息知识互换。“终端 >_How Do We Begin?”试图提炼处于持续演变中的千禧时代思潮,并且积极邀请、鼓励观众和艺术从业者们对信息时代的多方面社会现象进行反馈与回应,并尝试通过感知、共享和共存来探究其意义。

Characterized by sharing and mutuality, contemporary art went beyond the confinement of disciplinary boundaries and knowledge. “How Do We Begin?” sees its exhibition spaces as sites of collaboration and production, is aiming to stimulate information and knowledge exchange between individuals. Attempting to refine the evolving zeitgeist of the millennial, “How Do We Begin?” actively invites and encourages audience and art practitioners to reflect on the multifaceted phenomena of the Information Age, and imagines the significance by sensing, sharing and living together.


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