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荷兰沉浸式游戏电音舞蹈剧场 《俄罗斯方块》TETRIS Mon Amour

荷兰沉浸式游戏电音舞蹈剧场 《俄罗斯方块》TETRIS Mon Amour



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《俄罗斯方块》TETRIS Mon Amour

el Aviv International Dance Festival


荷兰天鹅最佳舞蹈表演奖提名、俄罗斯金面具奖获得者Guy & Roni俱乐部作品


俄罗斯方块是一个简单的电脑游戏,但却迷人又容易上瘾。1984年一经发明就很快征服了世界,剧团的编舞者Roni Haver也曾痴迷于此。通过《俄罗斯方块》的演出,她表达了对这个游戏的喜爱,以及它激发秩序和自我控制的方式。你必须处理这些掉落的俄罗斯方块。就像生活本身一样,你必须处理遇到的所有事情,并且在"游戏结束"之前处理好。

《俄罗斯方块》是一场每一个细节、每一只眼睛、每一根手指都经过精心设计的高强度舞蹈音乐会,像发条一样。它带有游戏的抽象,同时也带有在严格规则下召唤创造性的思想。剧中的音乐由世界著名的电子音乐三人组NOISIA的成员Thijs de Vlieger所作,并由Slagwerk Den Haag在舞台上现场演奏。音乐将环绕着你,带你逐步走进游戏。

TETRIS Mon Amour is a metaphor for the real life.

Tetris is a simple computer game but fascinating and truly addictive. It quickly conquered the world when it was invented in 1984. Also choreographer Roni Haver was once hooked on it. With TETRIS Mon Amour she declares her love to this game and the way it provokes order and self-control. You have to deal with these falling Tetris blocks. Much like life itself, where you have to manage all things that come across. Just deal with it, before it's 'Game Over'.

TETRIS Mon Amour is a high pressure dance concert where every detail, every eye and every finger is choreographed. Like clockwork. It is a play with the abstraction of the game, but also with the idea that strict rules call for creativity. The music is composed by Thijs de Vlieger, part of the world famous electronic music trio NOISIA, and will be played live on stage by the versatile musicians of Slagwerk Den Haag. The sound will surround you. Step into the game.


Guy & Roni俱乐部成立于2002年,创始于合作的力量,它汇集了来自世界各地的舞者和其他艺术家,创造了一个思想的熔炉。为了寻求创新,俱乐部和其他领域的艺术家合作,如音乐、电影、戏剧、科学和视觉艺术。创作新音乐是俱乐部工作的一个重要特点。像Heiner Goebbels和Michael Gordon这样的作曲家被邀请在他们与俱乐部的合作中创作原创音乐。Guy & Roni俱乐部还和作家Judith Herzberg合作完成了《大兵的故事》的特殊改编。作为荷兰表演艺术的重要大使,Guy & Roni俱乐部在马德里、罗马、塔林、柏林、马赛和法兰克福等地举行的国际音乐节上都是颇受欢迎的客人。2010年首演的《阿尔法男孩》获得了2011年荷兰天鹅最佳舞蹈表演奖提名。2013年,Guy Weizman和Roni Haver获得了著名的俄罗斯金面具奖。他们两位创作了神秘的、音乐性的、诱人和充满活力的舞蹈表演,同时结合时下的话题,充满了创新的,原始的和令人兴奋的舞蹈语言。

Club Guy & Roni was founded in 2002. Devoted to the work of Roni Haver and Guy Weizman, the Club creates and tours several productions, all produced in Groningen. Club Guy & Roni is a collaborating force, which brings together dancers and other artists from around the world to create a melting pot of ideas. In its quest for innovation, the Club collaborates with artists from other disciplines such as music, film, theater, science and visual arts. Generating new music is a key feature in the work of the Club. Composers such as Heiner Goebbels and Michael Gordon were invited to write an original score in their collaborations with the Club. Club Guy & Roni also works with writers like Judith Herzberg, who made a special adaptation of L'Histoire du Soldat. Club Guy & Roni is an important ambassador to the performing arts in The Netherlands. The Club is a popular guest at international festivals in, among others - Madrid, Rome, Tallinn, Berlin, Marseille and Frankfurt. The performance Alpha Boys that premiered in 2010 was nominated for a Dutch Swan in 2011 in the category most impressive dance performance 2010. In 2013 Guy Weizman and Roni Haver won the prestigious Russian Golden Mask Award. Haver and Weizman create mysterious, musical, seductive and dynamic dance performances that deal with contemporary topics. The dance vocabulary is innovative, raw and exciting.


Noisia是来自荷兰的一个著名以鼓和低音吉他为主音的电子乐三重奏,偶尔也创作包括碎拍音乐和浩室音乐在内的其他电子舞曲风格。三人组于2002年在荷兰格罗宁根成立,由Martijn van Sonderen、Nik Roos和Thijs de Vlieger组成。2003年,他们在Nerve唱片公司发表了处女作"Silicon/Tomahawk 12"。自此以后为包括Moving Shadow, Ram Records, Virus Recordings, Renegade Hardware等在内的出版公司的电子厂牌制作发布了一系列音乐。他们还创立了自己的唱片公司:Vision Recordings和Division Recordings。

现场乐队:Slagwerk Den Haag海牙打击乐团

1977年成立的世界著名乐团--Slagwerk Den Haag海牙打击乐团,可以在任何你能想象到的环境中演奏,传统乐器、瓷器、驴子颌骨、玻璃甚至是3D打印的乐器,都可以成为他们表演的"武器"。他们致力于创新、多变的声音,目标是"令人惊吓,使人充实"。乐团每年举办150多场音乐会,是欧洲当代古典音乐领域最活跃的打击乐队之一。曾与作曲家斯蒂夫·莱奇(Steve Reich)、迈克尔·戈登(Michael Gordon)、郭文景等人合作。最近还在阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、多特蒙德音乐厅、哥伦布剧院等地演出。除音乐会外,乐团还专门从事音乐戏剧与舞蹈制作,并活跃在拓展的领域。2018年,Slagwerk Den Haag海牙打击乐团因其音乐剧作品之一获得了世界著名的"国家哑剧奖"。


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