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《乐响四季》 上海大剧院&上海民族乐团2020新年音乐会

《乐响四季》 上海大剧院&上海民族乐团2020新年音乐会



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Conductor: Tsung Yeh (Special Guest)
Main Performers: Qiao Zhen (Special Guest), Wu Bixia (Special Guest), Zhou Zhengzhong (Special Guest), Hu Chenyun, Yao Xinfeng, Chen Xiaoyan, Ding Long, Chen Yunying, Lu Lu, Li Shengnan
Length: c. 90mins (without intermission)
****************** 剧目、艺术家及时长信息或有变动,请以现场演出为准***************
******** All information on programme, artists and duration is subject to change ********
Listen... The sound of music and the voice of singing are traveling through time to linger over the city and evoke the romantic reveries at the end of the year. This New Year's Eve, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra will invite the famous conductor Ye Cong to prepare for you a magnificent Shanghai-style Chinese music feast. Come and join us -- let's listen to the evening drum and the morning bell, stroll through the alternating seasons, and experience the harmony between Chinese musical instruments and contemporary music styles in a charming new dream.
指挥:叶聪Tsung Yeh
作为一个勇于革新的乐团建筑师,叶聪成功地代领新加坡华乐团在节目建设与演奏质量上迅速成长,成为当今世界顶端乐团。2005 年,他与新加坡华乐团横跨欧洲,成功地在伦敦巴比肯中心,北英格兰的盖兹黑德,以及布达佩斯春季艺术节演出。 2009年8月,新加坡华乐团成为历史上第一个应邀在爱丁堡艺术节开幕周演出的华乐团。叶聪于2013年10月荣获新加坡文化界荣誉“新加坡文化奖”。
在他担任音乐总监的28年中,叶聪逐渐把美国南湾交响乐团塑造成美国中西部地区性乐团之一,他与南湾交响乐团更于1995年获美国ASCAP 协会颁发的大奖。为表彰其28年来担任音乐总监时所作的卓越贡献,叶聪在2016年6月17日被印第安纳州前任州长、现美国副总统 Michael Pence 授予州内荣誉 The Sagamore of the Wabash Award。
他曾担任过美国西北印第安纳交响乐团及香港小交响乐团的音乐总监,美国奥伯尼交响乐团的首席客座指挥和圣路易斯交响乐团助理指挥。作为一个活跃于世界各地的艺术家,他曾应邀指挥过多个欧美一流交响乐团,如芝加哥、旧金山、圣路易斯、明尼苏达、罗切斯特交响乐团;法国广播电台爱乐交响乐团;苏格兰皇家交响乐团等。他也经常穿梭旅行于亚洲各地,与北京,上海,香港,东京,首尔,新加坡,台北,吉隆坡等地的主要交响乐团、华乐团合作演出。叶聪与Delos,Naxos, 雨果等唱片公司合作,曾录制多张光碟专辑。
The Shanghai-born conductor, Tsung Yeh, has the distinction of being the very first conductor to ever hold simultaneous music-directorship of both a Western symphony orchestra and a Chinese orchestra. He presently serves as the Music Director of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) and Conductor Laureate of the South Bend Symphony Orchestra (SBSO).
As a brilliant innovator in his field, Maestro Yeh has built strong orchestras that have attracted new and old audience members alike. Since he has taken music directorship of the SCO, it has established itself as one of the finest Chinese Orchestras in the world for its unique repertoire and program. In 2005, he led the SCO on a tour through Europe, appearing at the Barbican Center in London, the Sage Gateshead, and the Budapest Spring Festival. Later in 2009, Yeh and the SCO made history by becoming the first Chinese Orchestra to perform in the opening week of the Edinburgh Festival. Yeh was awarded the Singapore Cultural Medallion in 2013, the highest Arts award given in Singapore.
During his 28-year tenure as the Music Director, Yeh led the rapid development of the South Bend Symphony into one of the finest regional orchestras in the central United States. In 1995, he and the SBSO were honored with the ASCAP award for Excellence in Programming and Performing. As recognition of his years of service in the community, on June 17, 2016, Yeh received the Sagamore of the Wabash Award from Indiana Governor Michael Pence.
Yeh has also held various positions in the past, including Music Director of the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta; Principal Guest Conductor of the Albany Symphony Orchestra; Resident Conductor of the Florida Orchestra; and the Exxon/Arts Endowment Conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Yeh has conducted major orchestras around the world, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Minnesota Orchestra, Rochester Philharmonic, as well as the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, just to name a few. He is a frequent guest conductor with major orchestras in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, and Kuala Lumpur. Yeh also has made various recordings under the Delos, Naxos, and Hugo labels.
Founded in orchestra in China. SHCO is famous for its harmonious cooperation among the members of orchestra and its excellent mastering of all kinds of works. The 1952, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra is the first big-scale modern Chinese Orchestra plays an important role in the development of Chinese music. In the history of Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, there were a number of great artists who made significant contribution to the national music development, such as Zhang Ziqian, Lu Chunling, Sun Yude, Gu Guanren, Min Huifen, Yu Xunfa, Gong Yi, etc.
After the more than half a century development, SCHO now turns into a large-scale integrated national orchestra embracing four sections, that is, the stringed, plucking, wind and percussion voice, and thus accumulated a number of classic works and projects. Moreover, SHCO also initiates its own professional performance season, and recorded abundant national instrumental music. Meanwhile, by introducing numerous public performances, SHCO constantly makes efforts to popularize national music.
In the recent years, the SHCO, which oriented on explaining national music in modern and international ways, organized and performed a lot of themed concerts which blended our national culture, national sentiments, as well as national spirits into the music, successfully representing national music in Shanghai style like《New Oriental Chinese Music Scene》《The Bund》《The Blooming of the Gardenias》《The Concerts of Poetry, Literature and Painting in Chinese Music》. And the New Oriental Chinese Music Scene was performed in the opening ceremony of the 18th Chinese Shanghai International Festival of Arts as well as the special performance for the 45th anniversary China-Greece relations. At the beginning of the year 2018, the concert New Oriental Chinese Music Scene was brought by SHCO's tour performances to eight cities in four countries including Britain, France, Belgian and Germany. These concerts were all performed in the world famous and first-class concert halls throughout Europe, having made a great coup during the nearly-20-days concert tour.
In the future, SHCO will step up efforts to radiate the inner vitality of Chinese national music. With the kind of national music which is more inclusive and more glamorous of the times, SHCO is ready to inherit the urban context and show the brand-new conditions of national music, as well as looking forward to coming across every bosom friend.


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