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时间:2019.10.20 14:00


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  Contemporary Dance Clouded
  时间:10月19日 19:30,10月20日 14:00
  Time:Oct. 19th 19:30,Oct.20th 14:00
  Venue:Duanjun Theatre, STA
    两位主创都来自D.LAB DANCE舞蹈实验室,希望通过"冷感人"这一概念来探索这个具有符号性特征的群体。他们是都市科技发展背后的产物之一,他们依附于虚幻,终日沉浸在感观被封存的"安全屋"里,找寻现实中没有的一切。为了寻求内心的片刻缓解,一切无法描述的微妙情绪终将宣泄在夜晚的狂欢中、迷幻的音乐里……作品期望通过舞者的肢体语汇去探索和放大这群人冷感背后的真实内心。
  The work Clouded by D.LAB DANCE is to explore a sense of alienation in people's subconscious when they are overwhelmed by the unprecedented technology development in this era. When we upload all traces of our life to the "cloud", is there no need to hold onto our memories of happiness and sorrow? In the age of digital "cloud"s, aren't we all "cloud"ed?
  This work is to bring out the characteristics of a particular group of people through the concept of "Clouded". Largely affected by the development of digital technology, this group of people become attached to illusions, and immersed in the "safe house" created by sensory pleasure. They are always searching for things that don't exist in reality. The only outlet of their emotions is psychedelic music at night clubs, where they would find temporary relief. In the work Clouded, we tend to explore their true emotions lying behind the facade they put up.
  非科班出身的她凭借着那份执念,在2010年进入北京师范大学舞蹈系,并成为青年舞团的演员。毕业后带着对梦想的坚持和一份幸运,被段妮发掘,进入陶身体剧场,曾参演作品《6》、《7》。封闭式的严苛打磨和熏陶使得她的身体及意识打开了新的大门。2016年正式加入D.LAB DANCE。主要编创作品:《抛物线》、《Invisible》、《跳舞!跳舞!跳舞!》、《The Blue Notebooks》。
  Qian Tingting graduated from Beijing Normal university before moving to join TAO DANCE THEATER and performed in 6 and 7, during which time she received strict training and explored infinite potential of the body.  She joined D.LAB DANCE as full-time dancer and choreographer in 2016. Her choreographic works: Parabola(2014), Dance!Dance! Dance!(2017) , Invisible(2018), and The Blue Notebooks(2019).
  Qian's inspiration comes not only from years of immersion in different dance styles, but also from her close observation of little things in life. Dance itself is not the only focus of her work. She tends to merge into her creation the perception of all the changes and different events happening in real life. Apart from theater performance, she also works with musicians, installation artists and fashion brands.
  D.LAB DANCE创始人兼艺术总监,国内知名芭蕾舞者,舞蹈剧场演出制作人。
  2003年以第一名的成绩毕业于上海舞蹈学校。曾获上海国际芭蕾舞比赛"评委特别奖"、第二十届保加利亚瓦尔纳国际芭蕾舞比赛"最 佳新人奖"、第七届全国桃李杯舞蹈比赛少年组芭蕾舞三等奖。曾就职于上海芭蕾舞团和香港芭蕾舞团,并在大型古典芭蕾舞剧中担任重要角色。
  自2011年起,先后策划制作现代舞专场演出《Shanghai Jungle》、《LOVE》、《看不见的城市》、《Fragile》、《匿名来信》、《Mirage/无人之境》,作品《界线》、《二十面体》荣获2016年中国小剧场舞蹈票房五强。
  DUAN Jingting is a multi-award winning ballerina, an elite contemporary dancer, and a producer of theatre performance. 
  She was awarded the Judge's Special Prize in  Shanghai International Ballet Competition (2001), the Best New Artist of the 20th Varna International Ballet Competition (2002), and the Bronze Medal in the 7th "Taoli Cup" National Dance Competition (2003). After graduating from Shanghai Dance Academy as valedictorian, she began her career as a dancer in Shanghai Ballet and later joined Hong Kong Ballet and performed many leading roles. DUAN founded D.LAB DANCE in 2014.
  From 2011, DUAN premiered a series of theatrical productions that have been highly recognized by the industry and audience, including Shanghai Jungle(2011), LOVE(2014), Invisible Cities(2014), Fragile(2015), The Letter of Love(2016) and Mirage(2017).  In 2016, her works Boundary and Icosahedron were both ranked within the TOP5 Box Office in China's Small Theatre Dance Performances.
  Dance Theatre Yi
  时间:10月19日 19:30,10月20日 14:00
  Time:Oct. 19th 19:30,Oct.20th 14:00
  Venue:Duanjun Theatre, STA
  YICHING is a time-honored classic in the history of Chinese civilization with a profound connotation. It is not only called as the "top of all classics", but also the source of Chinese philosophy. YICHING integrates the heaven, the earth and the man's world, and elucidates the life philosophy of self-cultivation and family management. The production extracts the name of YI in order to express the choreographer's understanding of "YI", in addition, it also draws on the basis of creativity on the hexagrams, which gives birth to specific movements and images. Taiji elements are also adapted to develop movements, expressing the dynamic balance of "YI" through formal YIN and YANG transformation simultaneously fusing the rigidity and softness, and trying to express the thought of Unity of Heaven and Man, and the artistic conception that the greatest truth is the simplest.  
  Li Yuan
  MFA. Lecturer of Dance School of Shanghai Theatre Academy. For many years, Li has been engaged in the curriculum (Deconstruction and Reconstruction on Physical Actions) research on the Chinese classical dance, exerting to solve the derailment between the physical and rhyme training on the Chinese classical dance and contemporary classical dance. In addition, Li has explored and created a number of excellent contemporary classical dancing works.
  The creative work High Mountains and Flowing Water has won the first prize in the dance competition of Six Provinces and One City in the East of China. Flying Dragon and Dancing Phoenix has won the second prize of group dance in "Peach and Plum Cup" dance competition and the gold award in "Lotus Cup" dance competition. Long Sword and Ectopia have won the Award for Competition of small program competition in Shanghai. Tian Heng 500 Scholars has won the "Collectively Creative Youth" award in Shanghai. Heart without Dust has participated in the national dance competition exhibition


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