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林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1

林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1



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林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1
Sarah McKenzie
Sarah McKenzie, an Australian Jazz pianist, composer, vocalist and bandleader with breezy technical style, songwriting acumen, and pronounced lyrical sense of swing. Her new album Secrets of My Heart was just released in March 2019, which documents McKenzie’s burgeoning brilliance interpreting 20th-century jazz standards with her penchant for crafting sterling compositions that will surely become jazz standards in the 21st century.

Sarah McKenzie来自澳洲,是一位爵士钢琴家、作曲家、歌手即乐团领队,其轻松的演绎和创作风格深得乐迷喜爱。全新专辑Secrets of My Heart于2019年3月推出,记录了McKenzie在诠释20世纪主流爵士乐方面的才华,以及她对作品创作的高要求,这些作品的呈现无疑将成为21世纪主流爵士乐。

林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1

Hugo Lippi
Hugo Lippi started studying and playing the guitar at the age of ten in Le Havre and launched his professional career at the age of seventeen in clubs, musical shows and events in Normandy. In 1998, he decided to move and settle in Paris and soon became a most favorite musician of the legendary Rue des Lombards. He has been over the past fifteen years one of the most sought-after European guitarist, and his musical performances as a sideman are numerous including Michel Legrand, Eric Legnini, Florin Niculescu, Marcel Azzola.

Hugo Lippi从十岁起开始学习吉他,十七岁时便在诺曼底的各大酒吧、音乐会活动中进行音乐表演并开始了他的职业生涯。1988年,Lippi决定搬至巴黎定居并很快成为伦巴达最为受欢迎的音乐家。在过去的十五年里,他一直是欧洲最为受欢迎的吉他手之一,且经常与诸多音乐家进行合作,例如:Michel Legrand, Eric Legnini, Florin Niculescu, Marcel Azzola。

林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1

Marco Valeri
Marco Valeri is one of the most prominent drummers in Europe. His father was a drummer and this gave him the opportunity to get very close to music and to drums when he was still a kid. Love for jazz music came quite early and he soon had the chance to play with renowned artists such as George Garzone, Steve Grossman, Benny Golson, Dave Liebman, developing in terms of both experience and deep knowledge of jazz tradition. In the last years he has been playing in some of the most prestigious festivals around the world, like Jazz in Marciac, Umbria Jazz, Tokyo jazz festival, Dubai jazz festival and many others.

Marco Valeri目前是欧洲最著名的鼓手之一,在同样是鼓手的父亲影响下儿时便开始接触音乐和爵士鼓,这让他很快得到机会与诸多著名艺术家同台演出,其中包括George Garzone,Steve Grossman,Benny Golson和Dave Liebman等,并在合作中相互学习并发觉爵士文化精髓。在过去几年中,Valeri一直活跃在世界各大最负盛名的音乐节现场,例如:马尔西亚克爵士音乐节、翁布里亚爵士音乐节、东京爵士音乐节及迪拜爵士音乐节等。

林肯爵士乐上海中心Sarah McKenzie Quartet 0507-0512 Week 1

Pierre Boussaguet
As a jazz bassist, Pierre Boussaguet’s destiny has been filled with encounters of great talent. He started his musical studies on the accordion during his childhood, and soon afterwards formed an orchestra to meet with popular demand. Playing in dance halls, Pierre's natural swing evolved into a joyful and melodic Jazz. The recognition that he received early on from the public encouraged Pierre's musical desire to grow and his artistic originality to develop. Pierre Boussaguet published in 2009 his string bass method, which is widely recognized in the professional milieu. The BBB (Boussaguet Bass Book) is accessible to bass players of all levels. His method doesn't focus only on bass technique, it also encompasses everything concerning music.
作为一名爵士贝斯艺术家,Pierre Boussaguet在童年时期就开始展现其在音乐方面的才华,
并在不久之后成立了一支管弦乐队在当地的俱乐部里演出,他发自内心的自然摇摆在演出时变成了一种欢快的爵士旋律。Boussaguet于2009年发表了低音弦乐技巧BBB (Boussaguet Bass Book),不仅分享了低音提琴的弹奏技巧,更重要的是涵盖了与音乐有关的一切。


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