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Years & Years – The Palo Santo Tour

Years & Years – The Palo Santo Tour



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现由Olly Alexander, Mikey Goldsworthy及Emre Türkmen组成的Years & Years, 于2010年在伦敦组成。这三人组合于2013年所推出的单曲《Traps》,曲风以键琴和电音为主调, 瞬间吸纳了大量乐迷。在2015年,乐队发行了他们的首张专辑Communion,当中包括热门单曲《King》和《Shine》。 这张备受好评的专辑首 发便成爲英国销售榜第一,可见Years & Years已建立了一批自家的音乐族群衝激著现今流行乐坛。
在2018年7月,Years & Years发行了乐迷引颈以待的第二张专辑Palo Santo。专辑包含著意重深长的大热歌曲,包括《Sanctify》和《If You are Over Me》,主唱部份更由Communion中朴实的流行音乐脉络,转化爲处处显现积逊家族般晶莹无暇的唱功。 当中Years & Years挟著英伦风格并塑造出自家标志性的音乐格调,与Drake,The Weeknd和Rihanna等一流歌手同站于世界乐坛。
Palo Santo专辑的意念是主音Olly凭个人超现实想像创造出来的全新世界观。 「在那裡我可化爲最自由,并不受性别或取向所束缚。 我只是创造了一个没有以上束缚的自我世界,任何人都可以成为他们喜欢的样子。」在这个超越现世、令人身心跃动的平行世界裡,每人心中的乌托邦都被勾勒出来。 这乌托邦将以Palo Santo爲中心,以各种方式,包括影片,线上和线下的叙述故事,于Years & Years的演唱会中,以终极姿态唯美登场。
主唱Olly表示︰「这张大碟是从很多关于我和Years & Years的不同方面衍生出来。」「我认为创造属于自己的世界并在此自在地生活会是一件很美好的事,裡面包括了所有我喜欢的事物,例如:科幻,精神主义,表演和身份。」
Palo Santo大碟的歌曲会在香港站上演唱,千万不要错过明年3月3日的Years & Years Palo Santo 香港演唱会!

Years & Years are Olly Alexander, Mikey Goldsworthy and Emre Türkman. Formed in 2010 in London, the trio's keyboard- and electronics-based sound first gained exposure when the single "Traps" was released in 2013. In 2015, the band released their debut full-length album Communion, featuring hit singles "King" and "Shine". The well-received album debuted at number one in the U.K. With Communion, Years & Years made a palpable new tribal impact on pop.
In July 2018, Years & Years released their hugely-anticipated second album Palo Santo. The album is stuffed full of meaningful hits including "Sanctify" and "If You're Over Me", a transitional leap from the lay-lines of the homespun pop majesty of Communion toward something of the crystalline magic that ran once through the Jackson family fingertips. Throughout, Years & Years have crafted their own special landmarks that feel intuitively connected to great British pop classicism while standing bolt upright on a world stage next to Drake, The Weeknd and Rihanna. 
Palo Santo is a whole new universe created from the imagination of frontman Olly. 'Where can I be my freest self, not tied to a gender or sexuality. I'll just create my own world where those things don't exist, where anybody can be any gender and sexuality that they like.' In this thrilling parallel universe, light years from here and now, a utopia has been sketched out. It will be revealed across all the media surrounding Palo Santo, in videos, narratives online and off, finally climaxing in every sense of the word onstage in the all new Years & Years show. 
'It came from loads of different ideas of what Years & Years is about and what I am about,' Olly says. 'I felt like creating that space and playing around in there would be a good thing to do. It has all my favourite things combined: sci-fi, spiritualism, performance and identity.' 


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