首页 > 音乐会 > 《巴洛克之门》巴洛克古乐音乐会


时间:2019.05.18 20:00


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In Sweden, the viola d’amore a chiavi is called nyckelharpa and despite its danger of extinction (in central Europe), Swedes have kept it alive for the last 400 years. The Swedish word nyckel means 'keyed' and harpa means 'string instrument', so it translates as 'keyed fiddle'. The theorbo and viola da gamba have no keys but are also tied with strings.


The three instruments on this album are a so called 'key' to open a world of contrasts; tension and relaxation, light and darkness,...: important keys in the language of baroque music, imagery and aesthetics. Eager to translate this particular language into a new era, they aim to transcend baroque chord progressions, intervals, harmonies and forms. They're curiously exploring these historical instruments in a contemporary context.

这三种乐器组合在一起,被称为打开对比世界之门的“钥匙” :张力与松弛、明亮和阴暗......的对比;它们还是解读巴洛克音乐的语言、意象和美学的关键。他们渴望把这种特殊的语言传递给新世纪,并且希望超越传统的巴洛克和弦进行、停顿、和声形式。如何把这些古代乐器融入现代的篇章,他们正在进行好奇性的探索。

Didier Francois, Nyckelharpa
“Didier Francois, a sound artist, a musician and musical designer, offers us a small revolution in strings and emotions.

Viola d’amore a chiavi is the name of the instrument, the object and the product, virtually, of his creativity and expression. Look closely at the photo and, most importantly, listen: a body of a grand violin or, rather, a viola, strings being rubbed by the bow, and below, a multitude of resonance strings – that is to say which resonate only by the vibration of the sound wave. This imparts so much charm on the sound universe – it captivates us. Between the body of the instrument and the key, a unique keyboard complements this fantastic thing and opens up to polyphony. What our ears hear is: a firework of sound waves, of harmonies and of colours, caressing us, tender and explosive; a sound with an irresistible charm. 

乐器“Viola d’amore a chiavi”是他用于创作展现灵感的工具,同时也是他的作品。仔细观察照片,再仔细听一听它的声音,这件乐器有着小提琴甚至是低音提琴一样的琴身,琴弦跟弓互相摩擦发声。琴弦的下方有很多共鸣弦,也就是说这些弦只发出由声波震动而产生的共鸣声。这声音如此吸引人,赋予宇宙如此的魅力。琴身和琴键之间,一个独特的键盘所制造的复音为乐器补充了另一个声部。我们耳朵听到的,是一场声波、和声、声色交织在一起的一场盛大焰火。这个声音温暖轻柔又富有爆发力,具有一种不可抗拒的魅力。

The instrument was used in baroque music; but was later forgotten. It remained in use in the traditional music of the Nordic countries called Nyckelharpa and, to our delight, was discovered by the curious Didier Francois, modest Belgian artist, tenacious craftsman, with a lively and profound inspiration. Evidenced by his albums, he reinvents the viola d’amore chiavi in reviving the thread between history and geography, and emotions, and invites us to vibrate for a wonderful revolution with his arrangements of masterpieces by Bach, Ysaïe, Satie, Ottoman classical music, traditional folk and anonymous scholars, typical jazz by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Charlie Mariano, and his own compositions.

这件乐器最初用于巴洛克音乐,但后来逐渐被遗忘。今天许多北欧国家还在使用这种古老的乐器演奏传统音乐,被称作“尼古赫帕琴”,令人高兴的是,比利时艺术家迪迪埃·弗朗索瓦偶然发现了这件乐器,并且赋予它生动而又深刻的灵魂。在他的专辑中, “viola d’amore chiavi”以崭新的形式呈现,重新诠释了巴赫、伊萨伊、萨蒂、奥斯曼古典音乐、传统民俗音乐、裘宾和查理·马里亚诺的传统爵士作品、以及他自己的作品,生动地展现了历史、地理和情感之间的联系,观众因此得以体会音乐的伟大革新。

Floris De Rycker, Theorbo


´Belgium´s favourite lute player.´ - The Word Magazine
“比利时最受 欢迎的鲁特琴演奏家”——Word杂志

´One of the most prominent members of a young generation Flemish musicians.´ - 30CC/Alamire Foundation

Floris De Rycker is the driving force behind Ratas del viejo Mundo. The ´Rats of the Old World ´ is an international ensemble that consists of unique voices and instruments from all over Europe. It brings highly refined pre-1600 profane music to the podia of the biggest concert halls. Ratas del viejo Mundo equally honours music from instrumental and oral folk traditions as well as the most respected polyphonic compositions. 

弗洛里斯·德·莱克是“Rates del Viejo Mundo”(旧世界的老鼠)组合的核心成员。“旧世界的老鼠”是一个国际室内乐组合,由来自欧洲的各种独特乐器组成。他们把高度精炼的1600年前的世俗音乐带到了世界各大顶 级音乐厅的舞台。除了最受推崇的复调作品,“旧世界的老鼠”同样注重器乐演奏和口头演奏的传统。

In addition to playing with Ratas, Floris gives solo recitals on the lute, vihuela and baroque guitar. He teaches Music History, Lute and Ensemble Playing at the SLAC/Conservatory and the music schools of Wilrijk-Edegem and Zaventem. Floris also records for Antarctica Records with RedHerring as well as for the acclaimed Spanish label Glossa Music with graindelavoix.


Clémence Schiltz, Viola da Gamba

A regular performer with baroque ensembles (La Fugitive, Les Silvains, Les Passagères...) and with orchestras (Ricercar Consort) or choirs, she also participates in viol consorts (BUGs) or violin consort. On the viola da gamba, she created and performed stage music for a circus show in Académie Fratellini; for the contemporary play "Le Quatrième Mur" adapted from a novel by Sorj Chalandon with the company Les Sans-Lendemains; and also with Anooradha Rughoonundun in a stage duo around her text. With Pauline Schill and Léandre Simioni, she developped and performed musical and poetical wanderings in public places.

她是各类乐团的常驻演奏家,包括巴洛克室内乐团(如“La Fugitive”、希尔万斯、Les Passagères等)、管弦乐团(如李查儿协合乐团)以及合唱团,并经常参演各类维奥尔琴和小提琴音乐会。她曾为不同类型的演出形式和作品编创维奥尔琴舞台曲目并亲自出演,如弗拉特里尼学院的马戏表演、由作家索尔·沙朗东的小说改编的当代剧目《第四面墙》、以及与阿诺拉达·鲁霍农顿组成的二重奏。 除此之外,她还与保利娜·席尔和安德烈·西苗尼一起推动在公共区域进行音乐和诗歌的“漫步”演出。


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