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2019 Park Bo Gum Asia Tour In HongKong  <Good Day: May your everyday be a good day>

2019 Park Bo Gum Asia Tour In HongKong


场馆:亚洲国际博览馆 StubHub Hall

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Park Bo Gum rose to stardom with the TV series “Love in the Moonlight”and named the “National Prince of Korea”. This time, with the unveil of  his latest TV series “Encounter”, a new boom of K-drama has hit Asia and Bo Gum receives a new nickname “National Boyfriend”.



In TV series “Reply 1988”, Park Bo Gum plays a role as a genius Go player “Choi Taek” and rise to fame with his pure personality and charm. Subsequently, starring the indifferent and sassy prince“Lee Yeong”,of “Love in the Moonlight”make him earn the protagonist huge recognition and popularity. He even gained the name “National Price of Korea” because of the character in “Love in the Moonlight”. In his latest drama “Encounter”, he plays as a freewheeling and ordinary young man “Kim Jim Hyuk”. He shows his ability in performing different character well in different dramas.


通過精湛的演技吸引眾多粉絲的朴寶劍, 不僅在韓國國內,也在海外證明了他的超高人氣之前在包括"2016-2017亞洲巡迴粉絲見面會"在內的多個見面會裡已經向大家展示了他獨有的"寶劍魅力"

Park Bo Gum has proved his high popularity both within Korea and overseas through his superb acting skill. Bo Gum Charm has already displayed to his fan in 2016-2017 Asia Fan Meeting.

劇集播完後,朴寶劍將會通過2019 亞洲巡迴與亞洲粉絲們見面。126日,他會以首爾為起點,在亞洲各地向大家展示從未有過的另一種魅力。3月16日,2019 Park Bo Gum Asia Tour In Hong Kong將在香港亞洲國際博覽館HALL 10舉行,寶劍還為期待已久的香港粉絲們準備了特別的"High Touch"時間令大家更加期待。

After his latest drama“Encounter”ends, Park Bo Gum plans on a 2019 Asia Tour to meet Asian fan. Start with Seoul on January the 26th, he would display his talent to fan. On March the 16th, 2019 Park Bo Gum Asia Tour in Hong Kongis holding at Hall 10 of AsiaWorld-Expo. In addition, Bo Gum has prepared special presents of“HIGH TOUCH time”to Hong Kong fan.


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